Hello and welcome, Newgrounds community! The Newgrounds Festivals Committee is here with a brand new production just in time for the conclusion of Spooky Month™️. Just as conventions demand cosplay, so too does Halloween demand a costume...
Presenting the Newgrounds Festivals Halloween Costume Contest!
Participation is simple! Just fill out the contest submission form replete with a photo of your Halloween costume by 12:00 AM on October 30th. Participation is free, and open to all Newgrounds users.
Prizes for this event will be provided by a trio of powerful artists right here on Newgrounds!
1st, 2nd & 3rd place will win a drawing of their costume by one of the following users:
@Slimygoo | @RebeccaDoodles | @Kekiiro
1st place gets to choose which artist of the three will draw their costume. 2nd place will choose one of the remaining two artists for their art piece, and 3rd place will receive their drawing from the third and final artist.
In addition, 1st place will also win 1 month of Discord Nitro, provided by NG user @CaptainColtrane.
The Judges
As your contest coordinators, a familiar duo takes the stage as your judges: @Stanpai & @LilSpook!
How to Enter
Entry is simple: just fill out the Halloween costume form! To verify your costume is actually you and not something you made years ago and don't have anymore, you'll need to upload a photo of the costume and a photo of you holding a piece of paper with the tag #NGFestHalloween.
Click here to fill out the submission form!
There you have it! You've got just a few days to enter, so don't delay! At the end of the day, remember it's all for fun! We look forward to seeing your submissions!
Lastly, if you'd like to apply to join the Newgrounds Festivals Discord server, fill out the application here! (Must be 18 or older to join.)