Short but meaningful. Very well animated, felt like a Cartoon Network show in the 90s. Great job.
Short but meaningful. Very well animated, felt like a Cartoon Network show in the 90s. Great job.
Phenomenal use of tween mixed with fbf. Tells a great story as well, this loop is really something. You have really nailed the tools you craft with, the subtleties of movement to stretch the assets and all that just enough to remain tasteful. Basically, this is a 5/5 from me, dawg. The audio is great too.
Charming style and funny writing. Sometimes simple is best, and the style itself was consistent throughout, with key framing on every syllable of dialogue. It basically shows you cared. Voiceover was mid 2000s scuffed mic quality. Gets the job done and is amusing.
A fun experience. Reminds me a lot of what we used to see back in the day with parody cartoons, which is pretty on-par with your other stuff. Really liked some of the shots quite a lot, the illustrations of the characters and all that. Nice work. Even though the comedy was there I did feel like you took quite a few liberties with Goku's personality that are funny in isolation but aren't as funny in Dragon Ball context. Krillin on the other hand was just fine. Good job!
I don't want to falsely say something but I will say that I /feel/ as though Phantom Arcade's artistic and comedic influence is pretty prevalent across the site these days. Probably a side effect of the Dragon Ball collab. That sort of energy isn't really my thing and I like to see something that's really yours. It was a similar experience back in the Egoraptor days, I suppose what I mean to say is that it feels like PA is the artist of the generation.
Oh no! A conservative!!! >_<
Very, very clean and well put together.
I feel as though this was a Samurai Jack adjacent parody.
This is excellent! Really enjoyed it. Audio was a bit tough to discern. I am giving it 5/5 for the animation and overall art itself, but it really needs subtitles. I hope you will add them in the future. It also needs better audio mastering / mixing, the levels are all over the place.
There's hardly any reason to even write the review, because we're surely all in awe of this one. Beautiful and consistent throughout with the exceptions of those touches of Western humor that really make it something not purely a parody OVA but your own thing. I am wondering if we will see a sort of renaissance of indie OVA style stuff like this from more people, after seeing both this and the recent Castle Crashers one here on NG.
I think the description of the video does a disservice. I get the joke but it comes off as needlessly boastful. Animation is overall pretty nice. Your watermark is in the way.
It's all about engagement.
An AI wrote that description and it promises to get more engagement and judging by your comment, I guess it fulfilled it's purpose.
And yeah, the animation is below average quality. The main anime Episode will be 1000x better than it.
Charming! Line work is very sketchy, but this was of course done in just 6 hours. Great job!
Thank you for the kind words, you're absolutely right about the line quality. The drawings are very rough.
Voice actor, video producer, and all around content creator.
Age 31, Male
Voice Actor
Joined on 9/3/07