Hello, Newgrounds! My name is Stan. I've been a user here for over a decade. Like many of you, I want to bring more content to Newgrounds.
Reflecting on the past, the thing I've learned most is that the greatest, most memorable works are often done not alone, but as part of a team. That's why I'm reaching out to YOU, my fellow Newgrounds creators. I would like to team up with you. As many of you as I can. I want us to work together and make our own new things, build up the site, and kickstart a renaissance of web content. Through our combined efforts, I think we can pull it off.
What I'm Bringing to the Table
I've been making assorted things for the last several years, and with that comes a number of different skills.
I believe my strongest skills are writing and acting, however I also do video editing and other production related tasks as listed above.
In the past, I've really had a great deal of fun working on things like the Smash Bros Collab and other projects with other creators here on Newgrounds. I'd like to keep that going. Let's make 2020 the year Newgrounds takes back its throne.
So what do you say? Will you join me?
Let's reclaim the internet together.