Voice actor, video producer, and all around content creator.

Stan (Stanpai) @Stanpai

Age 31, Male

Voice Actor


Joined on 9/3/07

Exp Points:
7,200 / 7,510
Exp Rank:
Vote Power:
6.76 votes
Audio Scouts
Art Scouts
Global Rank:
B/P Bonus:
7y 7d

Stanpai's News

Posted by Stanpai - May 15th, 2021


My latest cartoon, Crypto Fantasy VII, has finally been released! This cartoon is something I've been chipping away at while hanging out with all the cool cats over on the Newgrounds Podcast server, and I'm thrilled it's finally out the door. Like many of my ideas, this started as a joke that came up during a conversation. I liked the idea so much that I quickly banged out the script and, eventually, got to work. This production had a much longer lead-time than most of my videos, as I typically try to do things in just one week. This time around, I allowed myself to take more time, working on it when I felt ready. The result is something I personally find very amusing and, hopefully, you will too. Interestingly, this may be the only instance in which I began making storyboards and sketching out keyframes before recording a single line of the dialogue.

Big thanks to @N0rala, who helped me with backgrounds and for being the person I happened to be talking to when this idea came to mind in the first place. This also doubles as her first contribution to the movie portal! Welcome to the community.

In other news, if you haven't checked it out already be sure to take a close look at my previous post where I detailed more information about the upcoming Newgrounds Summer Festival!

Thanks for reading!




Posted by Stanpai - May 12th, 2021


Hey all, Stanpai here!

As many of you have already heard, I recently unveiled plans for the Newgrounds Summer Festival! As described in the original post, the event is a virtual convention for the Newgrounds community to come together and experience the wonders of con-going from the comfort of the internet.

Reception thus far has been pretty awesome, and my inbox has been popping off with questions and comments. With that said, I wanted to give our first update to give people the full rundown thus far.

When & Where

As noted in the banner, the Newgrounds Summer Festival is slated to land on June 25th weekend. While the schedule is currently in its infancy, the goal is to have programming start on Friday night and wrap up on Sunday. The formal event will be hosted on a Discord server where panelists will gather to stream their panels to attendees.

Out of consideration of the various kinds of content featured here on Newgrounds and for the safety of users, the event Discord will only be accessible to users that are 18 years of age or older. Age verification will be required to gain access to the Discord.

For those who are unable to access the Discord, there will also be a public livestream showcasing SFW content during the event.


Panelist applications started rolling in almost immediately after the event was announced, so if you're interested in getting involved, now is the time to apply! The Newgrounds Summer Festival is currently looking for awesome programming that will serve as the meat and potatoes of the experience. Panels can consist of anything from workshops to general presentations or community events. The only hard limits on what you can present are time, place, and your own creativity.

As mentioned on the announcement post, we're looking for panels covering the following categories:

  • Animation
  • Gamedev
  • Audio
  • Art
  • Newgrounds History & Culture

In addition, if you have an awesome idea for a panel that doesn't fall into the above categories, we're still interested in seeing them! As mentioned before, the only limits are your creativity, so please take this opportunity to express yourself and show us what you've got!

Applicants are permitted to submit more than one panel!

SFW panels will be broadcast live on the Newgrounds Summer Festival YouTube channel for viewers of all ages.

NSFW panels and events will be exclusively hosted in the Discord.

Please note you must be 18 or older to host a panel.

Click here to fill out the Panel Application

The panel application deadline is set for June 1st, so do not delay in submitting your applications!

Events & Contests

If you're interested in hosting an event or contest during the Newgrounds Summer Festival, please contact me with the details via DM.

Volunteer Staff

Because this is a community event with plenty of moving pieces, I want to build a crack team of staffers to help keep things moving smoothly. The Newgrounds Summer Festival Staff Application is currently open for volunteers! If you've got experience working conventions or just want to give back to the Newgrounds community in this way, this position could be for you!

The exact responsibilities of volunteers will be determined on a case by case basis, but what matters most is that you've got the initiative, the goodwill, and the love for Newgrounds to make it happen.

Please note you must be 18 or older to staff the event.

Click here to fill out the Staff Application

The staff application deadline is set for June 1st, so do not delay in submitting your applications!

Art & Assets

Are you an artist interested in having some of your work showcased during the Newgrounds Summer Festival? During the event we'll be showing off submissions to the #NGSummerFest2021 tag on the Art Portal as part of a rotating wallpaper between programming.

Ideally, we're looking for pieces that fit neatly on a 1920 x 1080 display so each piece can smoothly transition between each other. I'll be sourcing submissions from the event tag, so don't miss out on getting yours in!

@Slimygoo has planted the first flags on this tag with his awesome pieces featuring characters from the Pico and Madness franchises- the former also serving as the banner for this update! Be sure to check out these bangin' pieces below.

Not only that, though! If you're interested in designing a logo for the NGSF, don't hesitate to reach out!

Poetry Bumpers

Are you a poet interested in submitted short poems for the NGSF? @Fersto reached out and proposed an awesome idea to showcase poems from NG users during the event, and I'd absolutely love to do that.

Check out this forum post with all of the details!

Gamedev Showcase

Many of the fine folks here on Newgrounds are game-devs, so why not have a whole block dedicated to showcasing their games? Whether you are developing a game for the site or a game to be published elsewhere, all game developers are invited to apply to be part of the gamedev showcase. Submissions will be added to the lineup on a case-by-case basis after reviewing the applications, so put your best foot forward and bring something rad! The details of the Gamedev Showcase are still being ironed out, so for now, consider this your formal heads up that it's coming. Use this time to prepare a game trailer or brief demo that can be shown off to give viewers an idea of what you're working on.

The application for the gamedev showcase is now available! Read more about it in Update #2!

That's all for now! If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please direct them to the forum thread or shoot me a DM! The magnitude of this event will entirely depend on the community. As it stands, it's already looking dope, but with your help, it could be legendary. The future is in your hands.

Thanks for reading!



Other Updates Are Now Available! Be sure to read those as well:

Update #2 - Attendee Registration, Gamedev showcase registration, & more!




Posted by Stanpai - May 10th, 2021

A New Community Event Approaches!

Hey, everyone! Stanpai here.

The ongoing Newgrounds Renaissance has been a chance for Newgrounds users new and old to discover their creative side and, more importantly, that this website is still a home for creatives to make their mark on the internet. With the recent success of events like Pico Day and the Art Office Hours, I want to keep that momentum going with a brand new virtual event.

Introducing the Newgrounds Summer Festival!


What is it?

The Newgrounds Summer Festival is a virtual event where attendees will be able to watch panels covering the various kinds of content available on Newgrounds, learn about Newgrounds history and culture, and build up a greater relationship with the community. This means learning from your peers and of course, building valuable connections with your fellow Newgrounds users.

How does it work?

Selected panelists will be given their own timeslot to present their panels just like at a normal convention. In addition, there will also be spaces for attendees to network and share their work. The event will be coordinated via Discord, with SFW panels being broadcast via livestream on the Newgrounds Festivals YouTube Channel.

What kind of panels are planned?

The main goal is to feature panels that cover any of the main four following categories:


-Game Development



In addition, I would also love to see panels that cover Newgrounds Culture & History. If you have a cool idea for a panel that covers content like this, or something you think is worth hosting a panel about, please do not hesitate to apply! Even if your panel idea doesn't cover one of the things listed above, that doesn't mean it can't still be put into the schedule!

Why are you doing this?

Newgrounds has always been a home to me and countless others over the years. Though many of us have come and gone, we always end up back on the portal eventually. With this new wave of activity and interest in Newgrounds, there hasn’t been a better time to continue building up the most powerful site on the internet.

As for why me in particular, I have been working as convention & conference staff at events throughout the Southeast US since around 2014, and have been hosting panels at conventions for even longer. I know how these things are operated and I know how to make sure this event will go smoothly. I want to use my experience in this field to make a meaningful event that gives back to the community that helped raise me.

When is it?

I'm tentatively looking at the weekend of June 25th, giving us a lead-time of a month and a half to gather panelists and prepare a core team to help make it happen. This date is not yet set in stone, so please stay tuned for updates in the near future.

How can I get involved?

If you would like to host a panel, please fill out the Panel Application Form.

If you would like to volunteer as event staff, please fill out the Staff Application Form.

If you’d like to contribute creative assets for the event, such as promotional art or otherwise, please contact me directly here on Newgrounds. Be sure to include some examples of your work!

If you upload something to the portal related to the event, tag it with #NGSummerFest2021

If you are interested in hosting some sort of contest or offering prize-support as part of the NGSF, please feel free to reach out via DM.

If you have any additional ideas or comments you’d like to share, please feel free to leave them in the forum thread or shoot me a DM!

Some important details:

Panelists must be 18 years of age or older.

Staff volunteers must be 18 years of age or older.

Due to the adult nature of Newgrounds humor and culture (see: Tankmen), direct access to the event’s server will require age verification. SFW panels may be viewed by anyone via the external livestream. Thank you for your understanding.

Just as Newgrounds is all about Everything by Everyone, so too is this event only possible through everyone's shared efforts. I'm absolutely thrilled about this event and can't wait to see the panels people will be submitting!

That's all for now! Please be sure to leave your thoughts, comments and so on in the replies below or on the forum post!




Posted by Stanpai - May 8th, 2021

Hi Newgrounders! I've put out a new video to explain why people should be using Newgrounds. Feel free to share it with your friends and those who need to be awakened to the perks of the site.



Posted by Stanpai - May 1st, 2021


Happy Pico Day!

This year for Pico Day, I wanted to try something a little different. I met two fantastic artists in the Newgrounds Podcast Discord Server and, together, we built something we're all very proud of.

This submission is a video featuring a game previously unreleased to the public. The idea came to me initially when I looked at Senpai from FNF and thought to myself, "I'd really like to voice this character". As I thought about this, Tom made his Pico Day post. I felt the timing was right, and I decided I'd like to do more than just a piece of audio. For this project, I realized I would need more than just myself, so I decided to do something I don't often do- I swallowed my fears and asked artists for help. From that call came the talented Anisloth and Onosse, both of whom I am very grateful for. We ended up creating a spitfire team that produced this project in just four days. As it usually happens, music was also a must, and through the talented work of L-Mity, I was able to source the entire needed soundtrack off of the Audio Portal. Never underestimate the power of those who chose Newgrounds!

I'm thrilled we were able to make this piece together, and hope you will enjoy it too.

Without further adieu, here's Senpai SimDate: Forever With You - Ending A.



Posted by Stanpai - April 24th, 2021

Hello everyone!

It's been amazing to see new talent coming onto Newgrounds and getting excited about making their mark. I can't wait to see what you all will make and have decided I want to help in my own way. I'm launching a new series of content called "Stanpai Voicepacks". These releases will contain various types of sounds that you can make use of in your animations and projects here on the site. The first of these voicepacks is available now: it's all about action and efforts!

If you would like to use any of the audio from one of my Stanpai Voicepacks, the only requirement is that you credit me (just putting the name Stanpai is fine). If uploading your project to Newgrounds, also be sure to list me as a voice actor in your submission!

Please note that these voicepacks are not to be used for commercial purposes. If you would like to collaborate on a commercial release, please contact me.

Beyond the use of these resources, if you need further voicework to help you get your project off the ground, please do not hesitate to reach out. I'm always thrilled to collaborate with fellow Newgrounds users! Also, if you have ideas for future Voicepacks you'd like to hear, please let me know!

When in doubt, remember our motto: Everything by Everyone.




Posted by Stanpai - April 20th, 2021

Ever wondered how Boyfriend and Girlfriend ended up in a warzone during Week 7? Now you don't have to.

While everyone waits for FNF to become unbroken, check out this prologue.



Posted by Stanpai - February 9th, 2021

I've released a new character voice demo here on Newgrounds!

If you hear something you like and would like to work together, please feel free to shoot me a message here on Newgrounds or anywhere else you'd like to get in touch.


Posted by Stanpai - December 30th, 2020

Before I forget to share this new cartoon as the year draws to a close, I wanted to take a moment and make a post about it! Smash Bros always inspires me in some way with each major announcement, and I feel the most recent addition to the roster was no exception.

This cartoon was made with love for the mid-2000s flash scene here on Newgrounds. I sincerely hope that those of you who were here for that gorgeous time on the internet find nostalgic joy for this animation as much as I did making it.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.



Posted by Stanpai - January 13th, 2020

I sat down with Mick "Ricepirate" Lauer to have a little chat about Blood Sun Vendetta- an original Jojo Fanimanga that he's been working on for the last two years. We discuss several topics, including his influences, his history with the Jojo IP, and even his own bizarre adventure as a creative. Discover tidbits from his journey through Mexico as he gathered research, and learn about the role Newgrounds.com had in making him who he is today.

Some of you may recognize Ricepirate for his work in the digital space throughout the last few years, or perhaps you've seen his name in the credits of voice actors in different games in anime. With official credits in Jojo's English dub of Golden Wind as Abbacchio, you never quite know how far those dreams you hold will take you.

I hope you'll enjoy the interview!
