Alligator joke was really funny, I laughed. I also liked the bit with Steve, it also made me laugh. The Steve voice was significantly better than the Captain voice, which really didn't do it for me.
As for the commentary about my amazing home state, Florida isn't some orange wasteland, but a vibrant, lush tropical paradise. No one would mistake it for the hellhole of the Tankmen wasteland. Maybe California, that place is usually on fire after all.
Certain jokes in this were a bit /too/ familiar to a certain cartoon here on Newgrounds, but the original jokes were at least amusing. Still just 2 stars because the art/animation is still not particularly good. I hope someday you'll leave your comfort zone and put your everything into becoming a better animator. I know it's a difficult process and there's no incentive when the masses will still throw you love even if you put in minimal effort (and let's be honest, these cartoons are not hard to make. I literally made one myself in less than two days), but as a creator you must have pride. Milk this as long as you want, but know that while the fans may cheer, your peers will not always share their enthusiasm. I hope the success granted to you by these cartoons affords you the time to improve your craft in a meaningful way. Good luck!
MMD content like this is so rare on Newgrounds. The choreography feels a bit too fast for the song itself at times but I like this quite a lot.
Thank you so much for watching and I agree it was a pain to get her to sync with the music.
I want to try to bring some different content to the movie category, most artists are not doing MMD, but wow there are so much awesome movies!!
Kino. The presentation was really fun and the style was strong throughout. 4/5 because I can't give a perfect score, but I really loved this.
Great job everyone. I feel the record scratch falls kind of flat in terms of timing based on the different assets moving on screen but the overall piece is really beautifully made. Great work!
thx stanpai you da best
Happy Anniversary 🎉
While this is nice, it really isn't substantive enough to be in the movie portal. Art portal is better.
***Yes you can post GIF to art portal!
Thank you! I wondered, can you upload videos or at least gifs in the art portal? I'm quite new so I was also worried I was probably uploading this to the wrong place!
Voice actor, video producer, and all around content creator.
Age 31, Male
Voice Actor
Joined on 9/3/07