I love seeing claymations here on the site. Great job!
I love seeing claymations here on the site. Great job!
Thannnk you :)
This is absolutely gorgeous. Terrific job!
I like videos like this that offer some external context. Clean up your art a bit further and keep smoothing out your animation, this is definitely the right direction!
This helps a lot, I have a hard time understanding how to end up with a clean-looking result when it comes to digital art and animation, will definitely keep it in mind! thanks a lot!
I hate to throw around the word "genius", but you are a creative genius. I simply cannot use another way to describe your unique approach to writing, story-telling, and most of all, animation. I do not understand how a person like you is not world-famous for your creations. It is a horrifying thought that such talent is under-appreciated for some reason.
Thanks! It´s often said, story is the central thing and the visuals should only serve the story. I do exactly the opposite. I have ideas for visuals and crazy concepts, then use story to lead from one effects shot to the next with very flexible dream-logic. When I start making a film, I have no idea, how it´s going to end. Since it takes so much time to make them, I have time to think about it and often adapt new ideas in the process.
This is incredible. Your work in general is incredible. I can't really understand how a piece like this is anything less than 5/5.
I am blown away that a person like you truly exists.
Beautifully made, this looks really nice. Only 3 stars because it's a very short cartoon, and really is hardly different from an SFM porn loop in content. That said, very beautifully animated.
You're right this is basically porn
This made me laugh quite a bit. Your characters during the dialogue have some inconsistently moving parts on the face, I'd suggest keeping things consistent so that the mouth movements don't have jarring effects on the other parts of the body. Beyond that though, this video really made me laugh by the end. I thing you could also tighten up the first part in the lab so that we get to the joke a bit faster, but this video is so short as is that it gets the job done.
Pokemon art and overall outdoors section was the best looking part of the toon. Nice work!
I learned a lot while making this cartoon and I'm planning on changing the way I do some stuff, mainly lip-sync like you suggested but also changing the line style as well to keep it more consistent and less choppy. ( I was thinking I could do all the drawing with 0 smoothing on the brush to maybe have a more unique style but I don't think I'm gonna stick with that decision.)
thanks for the kind words and feedback, I really appreciate it!
Art Portal is better suited for short loops like this.
Voice actor, video producer, and all around content creator.
Age 31, Male
Voice Actor
Joined on 9/3/07